About Us

Who We Are

The Collinsville Area Chamber of Commerce is registered in the State of Texas as a private, nonprofit corporation. It is classified under the Internal Revenue Service nonprofit tax code as a 501(c) 6, the designation for business associations.

The Chamber is not part of a city, county or state government; a political party or faction; a civic or social club; a social service or welfare organization; or an employment agency.

The role of the Board of Directors is to set the organization's direction and to devise policies and procedures which accomplish its objectives.

Our Objectives

  • Promote the common business interest of merchants and citizens living and working in the City of Collinsville, Texas and in the immediate area;

  • Encourage the commercial, industrial, and agricultural development of the city of Collinsville and immediate area;

  • Assume a role of active leadership in community improvement. 

  • This organization operates as non-profit, and no part of its net income shall benefit any member, trustee or other individual;

  • It shall stand for local harmony, cooperation, and progress and shall be non-partisan, non-sectarian, and non-sectional in its activities.

Low cost advertising is just one more reason to join your local Chamber!